Secondary Drinking Water Standards

Aluminum, Al
SMCL 0.05 to 0.2 mg/l
Risks or effects Possible role in Alzheimer's disease, Discoloration of water
Sources Furnace, building materials
Electrical equipment
Natural deposits
Treatment Reverse Osmosis , Distillation, Ion Exchange

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Chloride, Cl
SMCL 250 mg/l
Risks or effects High blood pressure, salty taste, corroded pipes, fixtures and appliances, blackening and pitting of stainless steel
Sources Fertilizers, animal sewage, septic system
Road salt, fertilizers
Industrial wastes
Minerals, seawater
Treatment Reverse Osmosis , Distillation, Activated Carbon

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Iron, Fe
SMCL 0.3 mg/l
Risks or effects Brackish color, rusty sediment, bitter or metallic taste, brown-green stains, iron bacteria, discolored beverages
Sources Leaching of cast iron pipes in water distribution systems
Treatment Chlorination , Ion Exchange Water Softener, Oxidizing Filter , Green-sand Mechanical Filter, Distillation

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Manganese, Mn
SMCL 0.05 mg/l
Risks or effects Brownish color, black stains on laundry and fixtures at .2 mg/l, bitter taste, altered taste of water-mixed beverages
Sources Landfills
Deposits in rock and soil
Treatment Ion Exchange , Chlorination, Oxidizing Filter , Green-sand Mechanical Filter

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Silver, Ag
SMCL 0.10 mg/l
Risks or effects Agyria, a permanent blue-gray discoloration of skin, irritation of mucus membranes and eyes
Sources Ore mining, photographic procedures, jewelry making
Natural deposits
Treatment Ion Exchange , Reverse Osmosis, Distillation

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Sodium, Na
Primary 20 mg/l recommended level
Risks or effects Possible high blood pressure in susceptible individuals
Sources Septic system
Road Salt
Salt water intrustion, Minerals
Treatment Distillation , Reverse Osmosis , Ion Exchange

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Sulfate, SO4 and Hydrogen Sulfide
SMCL 250 mg/l
Risks or effects Bitter, medicinal taste, scaly deposits, corrosion, laxative effects, "rotten-egg" odor from hydrogen sulfide gas formation
Sources Animal sewage, septic system
By-product of coal mining, industrial waste
Natural deposits or salt
Sulfate Treatment Ion Exchange , Distillation , Reverse Osmosis
Hydrogen Sulfide Treatment Activated Carbon, Oxidizing Filter, Aeration, Chlorination , Green-sand Mechanical Filter

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Zinc, Zn
SMCL 5 mg/l
Risks or effects Metallic taste
Sources Leaching of galvanized pipes and fittings, paints, dyes
Natural deposits
Treatment Ion Exchange Water Softeners, Reverse Osmosis, Distillation

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