Phase V Monitoring Requirements header

flask illus. The Phase V Rule makes use of the Standard Monitoring Framework, which reduces the complexity of the monitoring requirements, coordinates the requirements among various regulations, and standardizes the monitoring schedules by establishing three-year monitoring periods for drinking water contaminants.

graduated cylinder illus. The Phase II Rule required that certain Public Water Systems (PWSs) monitor for specified unregulated contaminants by December 1995, including a number of Phase V contaminants. The final Phase V rule took advantage of this requirement and uses the 1993-1995 initial monitoring period for all contaminants for PWSs with 150 or more service connections. Smaller systems are required to monitor during the 1996-1998 monitoring period. States determine when, within the 3-year monitoring period, each PWS is to monitor. Monitoring requirements are given below in Table 1.

Table 1. Compliance Monitoring Requirements
Contaminant Ground water Surface water Trigger that Increases Sampling Waivers for Base Requirements
Base Requirement
4 Inorganic 1 sample per 3 yr Annual MCL YES based on analytical results of 3 rounds
1 sample/ 9 years after 3 samples
Cyanide 1 Sample every 3 yr Annual sample MCL YES based on Vulnerability Assessment
1 sample/ 9 years after 3 samples
3 Volatile Organics Quarterly/yr; annual after one year of no detects; every 3 yrs after 3 rounds (GW systems) > 0.0005 mg/l YES Based on Vulnerability Assessment
15 Pesticides/ Synthetic Organics 4 quarterly samples every 3 years; after 1 round of no detects: system > 3,300 reduce to 2 samples/yr every 3 yrs, systems < 3,300 reduce to 1 sample every 3 yrs Detection (as specified in the rule) YES Based on Vulnerability Assessment

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