What you Can Do

What you and your community can do to protect and conserve ground water

Ground water resources are of vital importance to us all. There are many beneficial current uses of ground water: for drinking, in industrial processes, for irrigating crops, etc. Ground water quanitiy and quality also impact surface waters as many aquifers discharge to lakes and streams.

To ensure that we continue to have an adequate supply of good quality ground water for the people today, as well as for future generations, we all need to make every effort to protect the quality and quantity of our ground water. We need to modify our daily behavior to conserve and protect the ground water. In addition, we need to educate others aboutt he impact they have on ground water without realizing it, so that they can help in its protection too.

This section contains examples of things that you can do to safeguard our valuable ground water resources.
In the home
to protect
to conserve
to test - to Quality - Assessing the Risk
to treat - to Quality - Assessing the Risk
In the community
On the farm
In the business
Success Stories

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