- Contact your local or State department of public health for
more information on water quality and testing in your State or
area. They can direct you to private laboratories that are
certified to perform drinking water analyses. Choose an EPA-
or State- certified laboratory to ensure that the tests are
performed properly. Private testing laboratories can also be
found in the yellow pages.

- Carefully follow the directions included and use only sterile
containers provided by the lab. Rinsing the containers before
use could result in inaccurate results.
- If your well is found to be contaminated, have the laboratory
clearly explain the test results. They may also be able to
help you determine the source of contamination.
- Notify your local board of health if contamination is
confirmed. They can help you take the necessary action for
treating you water supply.
- For a better understanding of the contaminants found in your
well water and their health implications, contact your local
cooperative extension office or health department.
Testing for Pesticides:
Testing drinking water for pesticides is more complex than testing
for minerals or bacteria because it requires more specialized
laboratory equipment and training. Testing for pesticides can be
expensive; analysis of a single water sample for one or two
pesticides can cost $100 to $150.
- If you are concerned about potential pesticide contamination
of you well, contact your State or local health officials to
determine whether contamination problems have been reported in
your area. If contamination is confirmed in your area or if
you live near orchards or farms, have your well tested.
- If testing indicates pesticide contamination, retesting is
recommended to gain a better overall picture of your water
quality. If retesting indicates pesticides in excess of the
Health Advisory levels, consult local health officials for
advice on what action you should take and how often testing
should be done.
More Information:
- For information on drinking water quality and USEPA Health
Advisories, call USEPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791.
- For information on the health effects of pesticides, call the
National Pesticide Telecommunications Network at 1-800-858-7378.