Test annually for coliform bacteria and nitrates. Dug
(shallow) wells are particularly vulnerable to bacterial
contamination, while other types of wells with no history of
problems may not need testing as often. Test for sodium,
sulfates, iron, manganese, and lead every three years unless
you have had recent problems with any of these contaminants.
If you suspect contamination or if you know that potential
pollution sources (farms, landfills, toxic disposal sites,
etc.) are located in the vicinity of your well, you should
have your water tested more frequently (i.e., twice a year).
If the taste, odor, or color of your water changes, or if your
family experiences recurrent, unexplained gastrointestinal
illnesses, have your water tested.
Have the water supply tested before purchasing a new home, or
after you have done any construction or remodeling on your
A total coliform bacteria test is recommended after you have
replaced old pipes or installed a new well or pump. Total
coliform is an indicator of septic system problems and poor
well construction.
Testing for nitrates is recommended in the early months of
pregnancy and again after the baby is born.
If your well is located near industrial sites, your water
should be tested for toxic metals such as lead, mercury,
arsenic, and nickel. Assistance from the State may be
available in this situation. Unless you suspect that your
water is contaminated, routine annual testing for these metals
may not be practical since the tests are expensive.